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For you & your home


The holiday season calls for fun, family, and parties…classroom parties, to be exact! If you’ve been tasked with the all-important role of creating Christmas-inspired ‘goodie’ bags for your kiddo’s class, you’re in for a treat! Today, I’m spreading a dash of extra holiday cheer with my stress-free version of DIY Adorable Reindeer ‘Goodie’ Bags. They’re […]


Adorable Reindeer ‘Goodie’ Bags

oh hey there!

I'm just your average boy mom with an eye for design. Over the year's I've worn many professional hats, from creative director to interior designer & stylist, but the heart of what I do has always been the same. My mission is to help other women feel confident in their style & fall in love with their life & home.

My name is Maria

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