It’s no secret that I love poufs! They can be SUCH a great addition to your space. But what is a pouf? Well, you can add poufs into your home for extra seating, use them for a punch of texture or pop of color, and more! They have so much functionality!
One great benefit of using poufs when designing your space is definitely the price. Want some extra seating in your living room, but don’t want to break the bank on accent chairs? Poufs are such a great alternative!

With how much I like to talk about adding color and texture in a space, you know I have to bring it up when talking about poufs! Adding a woven, striped, or colorful pouf can add so much dimension to your home. You can add poufs anywhere you would typically put a bench (for example, at the foot of the bed), under an entry table, or in a living room to allow for conversational seating.

One thing I love about poufs is their functionality, especially with kids! My son, Mason, loves playing on our poofs at home. Not only are they easy for him to move around, but they’re easy for us to move around as well. If Mason is wanting to play and needing more room, it’s so easy for my husband or me to quickly move them out of the way and give Mason all the space his heart desires. As a mom that works from home, this is a HUGE plus for me!
So, now we have answered the question: what is a pouf? Here of some of my favorite poufs currently on the market! Click on the images below to shop!

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